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Parse structured rules

Use a Parse Structured rule in conjunction with a Service File rule or the Apply-Parse-Structured method to import structured data to the clipboard. For example, you can import fixed-format flat files from various external sources and platforms.

If the source value to be parsed has a simple fixed-format structure where each field has a fixed length and is always present, you can use the simpler map structured rule rather a parse structured rule. See About Map Structured rules.

Service and connector forms may reference Parse Structured rules in data mapping. When evaluating the service or connector, the system evaluates the Parse Structured rule.

To execute a Parse Structured rule in an activity, use the Apply-Parse-Structured method.

Tabs on the Parse Structured form

Where referenced

Service and connector rules can reference parse structured rules, as part of the data mapping. For example, a Service File rule can use a parse structured rule to extract specific fields of interest from an input file.


If the structure to be parsed has a simple, fixed record-oriented layout, you can often use a Map Structured rule rather than a Parse Structured rule. These are simpler to debug and maintain.

Parent class

The Rule-Parse-Structured class is a child class of the Rule-Obj-Activity class. This class is not derived from the Rule-Parse- abstract class.

Monitoring performance

Through changes to the prconfig.xml file or Dynamic System Settings, you can be alerted to unusually long Parse Structured executions as PEGA0011 alerts.