You are here: Reference > Rule types > Skin rules > Skin form — Controls — Autocomplete — Search Results

Skin form — Components tab — Controls — Autocomplete

  1. Input
  2. Search Results

Styles set on the Search Results tab apply to the filtered list of results that is displayed after the user types one or more characters in the autocomplete input field. The styles apply to both the standard and legacy autocomplete control.

Some styling elements are available only for the standard autocomplete control. As a best practice, update legacy autocomplete controls to standard autocomplete controls. See Upgrading deprecated and legacy controls to use standard controls on the PDN.

For the results that are displayed after the user types one or more characters in the autocomplete input field, specify styles for the Text, Border, and Background of the following items:

For standard autocomplete controls (pxAutoCompleteonly, select the Enable row banding options check box to specify Text, Border, and Background of Odd and Even rows.

To use the styles defined in the Standard format for Overlay, select the Use Standard overlay styles for search results check box.

A preview of the currently selected format displays to the right. You can also preview formats by selecting Actions > Launch in the toolbar and then choosing one of the following preview options: Run Process, Open Portal, Harness Preview, UI Gallery Preview, Skin Preview.