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More about RuleSets and RuleSet Versions

  1. About
  2. New
  3. Versions
  4. Security
  5. Category
  6. History
  7. More...

When effective

After you save a RuleSet form, active requestor sessions on the current node that are associated with that access group are immediately updated. Requestors at other nodes in a cluster are updated when the next system pulse occurs on their node.

Controlling use of updated rules

If a rule is added to a new, higher version of a RuleSet, it may be instantly available to others who have RuleSet lists that allow access.

For example: assume that a user RuleSet list references version ALPHA:04-06, and a rule named GAMMA in ALPHA:04-06-03 is added to override the lower version in ALPHA:04-06-02.

The next time this user session retrieves GAMMA, this user accesses the updated 04-06-03 version. Other users may access the older version.

For work items, the associated flow rule is retrieved at each shape boundary. Thus corrections and enhancements to a flow rule (through higher versions) can affect assignments and work in progress.

Renaming and merging two RuleSets

Use the Copy function of the RuleSet Maintenance wizard to rename a RuleSet, or to merge two or more RuleSets into a new one. Select Designer Studio > System > Refactor > RuleSets > Copy/Move/Merge RuleSet to start the tool. See About the RuleSet Maintenance wizard.

Skimming RuleSet versions

When you use the Skim tool, the Pega Platform automatically creates a new RuleSet version rule instance corresponding to the next major version above the current version. For example, if you skim a RuleSet version 03-14-07, it creates RuleSet version 04-01-01.Select Designer Studio >Tools > Refactor > RuleSets > Skim a RuleSet to start a skim operation.

Deleting RuleSets and versions

Use the RuleSet Delete tool to delete RuleSets or versions. Select Designer Studio> System> Refactor> RuleSets > Delete a RuleSet to start the tool. If there are no rules associated with a RuleSet or a version, you can delete them on the Versions tab.

Useful standard functions

The Pega-RULES Utilities library contains these


RuleSets for delegated rules

To allow updates, delegated rules in a production application must belong to unlocked RuleSet versions. For added security, you can copy the delegated rules into a single, dedicated, and unlocked RuleSet and version, and then lock other RuleSet versions.

No check out, always available

Update RuleSet and RuleSet version rules carefully. Note these special conditions:

Passwords are hashed

RuleSet and RuleSet Version passwords are saved as hashed values in the PegaRULES database, using the one-way MDF message digest algorithm. For example, the property Rule-RuleSetName.pyNameFormEditPwd has mode Password.

Consult Configuration Settings Reference, a document available on the PDN, for details on this and other crypto settings. See Property rules — Implementing and using the TextEncrypted type for more information about the Password property type.

Rule types with no version

The following rule types do not use RuleSet versions:

About RuleSet rules