You are here: Integration > Integration Services category > Service Email rules > How to unit test a Service Email rule

How to unit test a Service Email rule

Use the unit testing feature to verify that the operations of a Service Email rule function correctly before you add an external component to your testing process.

Unit testing provides only partial evidence of a correct implementation. For more comprehensive information on testing services, see Testing Services and Connectors, a document in the Integration area of the PDN.

Before you begin, see How to provide test data when testing service rules.

To run a unit test, complete the following steps:

  1. Save the rule form.
  2. Optional: Start the Tracer by clicking Actions > Trace. For more information, see Tracing services.
  3. Click Actions > Run.
  4. Complete the form as described below, and then click Execute.

Requestor context - Select a context to define the requestor session is to be used in the test:

Authentication user ID - If you selected Initialize service requestor context, and the service package instance for the service requires authentication, enter the Operator ID to be used to test the service.

Authentication password - If you selected Initialize service requestor context, and the service package instance for the service requires authentication, enter a password for the Operator ID.

Enter request data

Message header values - Enter one value for each message header declared on the Request tab.

Message content - Type or paste in the text that forms the content of the arriving email message.

Activity for adding attachments - If the arriving test message is to include email attachments, identify here the Activity Name key part of the test activity described above.