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Service Portlet form - Completing the Portlet 2.0 JSR 286 tab

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Complete this tab to configure portlet options specific to JSR-286.

A JSR-268 portlet can be configured to process events as a Subscriber, publish events to the portlet container, or do both.

JSR-286 portlet options in the Pega Platform build on the options defined for JSR-168.



Public Render Parameters
Add as Qualified Name

Select this check box to edit the Namespace field. If the box is not checked, a Pega Platform generated namespace URI is used.


If the Add as Qualified Name option is checked, enter an XML namespace to uniquely identify the public render parameter name.

Local Part

Enter the local part of the public render parameter name (which is used in conjunction with the Namespace to form the qualified name).


Enter a value that will be used to retrieve the public render parameter from the portlet requested and set an updated value on the portlet response.

Portlet Event Definitions
Add as Qualified Name

Select this check box to edit the Namespace field. If the box is not checked, the Pega Platform generated namespace URI is used.


If the Add as Qualified Name option is checked, enter an XML namespace to uniquely identify the public render parameter name.

Local Part

Enter the local part of the public render parameter name (which is used in conjunction with the Namespace to form the qualified name).

Qualified ClassName

Optional. Enter a fully qualified Java class name for the event. The java class must implement


Select this check box to process events published by other portlets in the portlet container.


Select this check box to publish the event so that it may be processed by other portlets in the portlet container.