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Word Template rules – Completing the Main tab

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Use these buttons to access the Word file associated with this Word Template rule.

The Word file associated with the Word Template rule uses the .doc or .docx file format.



Relative Path

Optional. Leave blank in most cases.

Enter a subdirectory of the Web server directory identified by the first key part of this rule instance.


Leave blank. Reserved.

Upload File

Click to upload a Word file in .doc or .docx file format from your workstation into this rule. The file should be based on the WordMacroManagerDot.Dot template. Save the rule form after the upload completes.

Download File

This button is grayed out until a template has been uploaded and the rule has been saved. Click to download and save the Word file from this rule as a file on your workstation, so that you can edit or examine it.


Leave blank. Reserved.


Leave blank. Reserved.

Data Transform

Leave blank. Reserved.

Embedding Field Codes for merge

If this Word document is to support the clipboard merge function, you can include the following directives as field codes. Select Insert > Field Code... from the Word menu.


Result during clipboard merge

{pega:reference propertyreference }

Include the value of a scalar property present on the clipboard page.

{pega:insert corr="Name" }

Include the HTML code text from a correspondence rule with Name as the second key part.

{pega:attach CategoryName }

Include the HTML code text from a Word document that is the newest file attachment of the category CategoryName.

{pega:binary Name }

Include another Word document associated with a Rule-Template-Word rule with the value of Name including both keys to the rule using the format AppliesToClass.Purpose. For example, Work-.SampleWordTemplate.