You are here: Security > Access groups and roles > Adding an access role to an application

Adding an access role to an application

You can add Rule-Access-Role-Name rules and associated Rule-Access-Role-Obj rules to the current application to define the classes that a user can view, update, and delete through the Access of Role to Object and Access Deny rule types.

  1. Click Designer Studio > Org & Security > Groups & Roles > Access Roles.

    The tab displays the access roles for the current application. If there is a work queue with the same name as the second portion of the Role Name it is also displayed.

  2. Click the Add icon to open the Add a New Role dialog box.
  3. Enter all the required information in the dialog box.

    You can add an access role and corresponding Rule-Access-Role-Obj rules based on your current access role, or clone them from another specified role.

  4. Click Submit.
  5. To view all the access roles in the application with rulesets and ruleset versions associated with them, click Designer Studio > Org & Security > Tools > Security > Role Name.

To delete an access role, click the Delete icon in the table row. Any corresponding Rule-Access-Role-Obj instances are also deleted. Optionally, you can delete the corresponding work queue instance, if it exists.