You are here: Project delivery > Tools - Project delivery > Legacy New Application wizard > Configuring application settings

Configuring application settings in the Legacy New Application wizard

On the Application settings form of the Legacy New Application wizard, you can select a built-on application, control how many class layers are generated, and define other relevant settings for your new application.

To configure your application settings:

  1. In the Application name field, enter a unique name that starts with a letter and can contain alphanumeric characters, ampersands, underscores, or hyphens.

    Keep the name as short as possible to avoid exceeding character limits when you build on this application in the future.

  2. Optional: If the application name is truncated, you can modify it by clicking it.

    Concatenated application names that exceed 10 characters are truncated because they are key parts to other rules, such as classes and rulesets.

  3. Optional: In the Description field, enter more detailed information, such as the purpose of the application.

  4. From the Built on application list, select the name of an application. When you build on an application, you can reuse and extend the functionality that it provides.

  5. Select an option from the Application Structure list to indicate how many class layers are created in your new application.

  6. In the Organization field, enter a unique name that starts with a letter and contains alphanumeric characters or spaces.

    By default, the wizard sets the value in this field to the organization that is defined on your Operator ID form.

  7. Optional: Click the truncated organization name to modify it.

    Concatenated organization names that exceed 4 characters are truncated because they are key parts to other rules, such as classes and rulesets.

  8. Optional: Click Configure advanced settings to access more options.

Next: Defining business objectives