You are here: System management > Tools for migrating rules and data > Exporting rules and data by submitting a request to an active instance

Exporting rules and data by submitting a request to an active instance

You can automate exporting rules and data to an archive by connecting to an active instance of Pega Platform from a web service. One request can export rules and data to one archive file from one system. You can export by product, application, or branch.

You must have a running Pega Platform instance to use the prpcServiceUtils tool.
  1. Specify the archive file name or repository name, and whether to export in asynchronous mode:
    Property nameValue
    export.exportToRepositoryIndicates whether to export to a repository. The default is false, which exports to a file system. To export to a repository, set this to true.
    export.archiveNameWhen exporting to a file system, the path of the archive file to be created.
    export.repositoryNameWhen exporting to a repository, the name of the repository.

    Specifies whether to run the process in asynchronous mode or synchronous mode. The default, true, is asynchronous, which returns a job ID that you can use later to check the job status. When this value is false, the process starts immediately and waits until completion. The choice of synchronous or asynchronous depends on the type of script you are writing.

  2. Optional: To export by product, specify the product name and version:
    Property nameValue
    export.productNameThe name of the product to export.
    export.productVersionThe version of the product to export.
  3. Optional: To export by application, specify an application name and version:
    Property nameValue
    export.applicationVersionThe version of the application to export.
    export.applicationNameThe name of the application to export.
  4. Optional: To export by branch, specify a branch name and application context:
    Property nameValue

    The name of the branch to export.

    export.branchAppContextThe application context of the branch ruleset to export, for example, PegaRULES:07.10
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Run the prpcServiceUtils.bat script or the script with the export option, for example:

    prpcServiceUtils.bat export

Pega Platform downloads the exported archive file and saves the export log files to the logs directory. For more information about logs, see the PDN article Pega Platform logging using Log4j 2.