You are here: System management > Tools for migrating rules and data > Product migration > Resolving conflicts when importing an archive using the command-line utility

Resolving conflicts when importing an archive using the command-line utility

Importing an archive might fail if the versions of rules and data instances in the archive conflict with those on the target. If you are using the prpcUtils command-line utility, you can configure the import options in the file to resolve these potential conflicts.

To configure the import options, perform the following steps:

  1. From the command prompt of your Pega Platform instance, navigate to the scripts/utils directory.
  2. Open the file. The comments in the file include information about valid values for each property.
  3. Set the import.mode property value. The following table lists the valid values and when to use them.
    InstallUse to import instances only if they are newer than those in the target system. Details of the instances that are ignored will be logged to file.

    Use to import instances that are:

    • Unavailable in the target
    • Newer than the instances in the target
    • Identical to the instances in the target

    When you import identical instances, the value of the import.existing.instance property determines whether to overwrite or skip the existing instances.

    RestoreUse to roll back a hotfix during an update.
    HotfixUse to overwrite older instances in the target with the newer instances in the archive.
  4. Set the import.existing.instance property. The following table lists the applicable values, and when to use them.
    OverrideSet to import and overwrite the instances that already exist in different rulesets and versions.
    SkipSet to skip the instances if already available on the target system.

    If you do not specify a value for the import.existing.instance property, the import operation will fail.

  5. To start importing, run the command-line utility for your operating system with the import option:

    On Windows: prpcUtils.bat –import.

    On UNIX: –import.

  6. After you run the command-line utility, review the log file. If the log file lists any additional required actions, complete the actions and run the command-line utility again.