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Specifying presentation options for a Button control

Three predefined formats are available for buttons: Strong, Standard, and Simple. Using these formats consistently in your application makes the user interface more predictable and makes it easier for users to complete forms.

Prerequisite: Add a Button control to a layout.

  1. On the Presentation tab of the Properties panel, set the Control format option to one of the following settings to indicate the button's relative importance:

    To convert existing customized Button controls to a predefined format, use the pzUpdateButtonLinkFormats activity. For more information, see Update-Button-Link-Formats.

  2. Optional: To add a label to the Button control, select the Include a label check box and in the adjacent field enter the text for the label or press the Down Arrow key and select a predefined label.

  3. Optional: To specify a format for the label, press the Down Arrow key in the Label format field and select one.

  4. Optional: Set advanced presentation options.

    Instead of creating a new custom format in the skin, you can adjust elements in a cell by applying Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) helper classes. For example, you can use a CSS helper class to center an element in a cell or to double the standard right margin for the element.

    For more information, see CSS helper classes.