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Initial Dynamic System Settings data instances

As your Pega Platform system operates, these and other Dynamic System Settings instances can be created as needed.

Consult the Configuration Settings Reference on the PDN for additional details on specific Dynamic System Settings instances.

Initial prconfig Dynamic System Settings

Dynamic System Settings that have Pega-Engine as theOwning RuleSetand key names that start with prconfig are known as prconfig settings.

Be careful when making any updates because these settings can significantly impact the operation of your Pega Platform system.



Pega-Engine.prconfig/agent/enable/default Enables application agents.
Pega-Engine.prconfig/identification/systemName/default Sets the name of the Data-Admin-System instance for the server.
Pega-Engine.prconfig/initialization/displayExceptionTraceback/default Controls the display of stack trace information in exception screens.
Pega-Engine.prconfig/initialization/explicitTempDir/default Specifies the full path name to use as the temporary directory.
Pega-Engine.prconfig/initialization/persistRequestor/default Sets the conditions for the system saving a user's requestor context.
Pega-Engine.prconfig/initServices/initEmail/default Enables email listeners on startup, as defined in Data-Admin-Connect-EmailListener
Pega-Engine.prconfig/initServices/initFile/default Enables file listeners on startup, as defined in Data-Admin-Connect-FileListener
Pega-Engine.prconfig/initServices/initJMS/default Enables JMS listeners on startup, as defined in Data-Admin-Connect-JMSListener
Pega-Engine.prconfig/initServices/initMQ/default Enables MQ listeners on startup, as defined in Data-Admin-Connect-MQListener
Pega-Engine.prconfig/pradapter/loggingLevel/default Specifies the level of tracing for output to the system log. This setting overwrites the setting located in the JVM properties file.

Other initial Dynamic System Settings

These Dynamic System Settings have narrower scope.



Pega-IntegrationEngine. disableEpochDateTime

When a datetime property is set to an empty value, it returns the epoch datetime (01-jan-1970) by default. Set this value to true to have the property return no value.
Pega-Desktop.AllowAccessToExternalSystem Used to control calls to external system such as PDN when logging into designer studio. By default, this setting is set to true.

Enables Touch ID fingerprint recognition feature on supported iOS devices. It is used to log in to a Pega Platform mobile app, bypassing the need to manually enter user credentials each time.

Changing this setting to false disables this feature and hides the Use Touch Id check box on the Login screen. See Touch ID support and Pega Mobility for further information.


See More about Email Accounts.


Identifies the property containing the root URI of this Application Developer Help system. Determined during installation.

As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Resource URLs to create or update this data instance.

See System category — Settings page.


Edit to identify a URL for directed web access, such as


As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Resource URLs to create or update this data instance.

See Directed Web Access and System category — Settings page.


If true, the assignment's goal time is compared to the assignment's start time and effort estimate to determine operator availability.

See Operator form — Completing the Work Settings tab.


Identifies the root URI of the System Management application. Established during installation.

As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Resource URLs to create or update this data instance.

See System category — Settings page.


When set to 5.1, indicates that a one-time upgrade activity for Version 4.2 work item history instances has completed successfully.

The upgrade is not necessary on systems that contain no Version 4.2 work item history instances.


Supports Service Java rules and other custom Java code. A list of Java classes that are added to the compile-time classpath for the compiler used to compile the generated Java. This allows service activities to call such classes. For Windows systems, separate the Java classes with a colon. For UNIX systems, separate the Java classes with a semicolon.

As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Compiler to create or update this data instance.

See System category — Settings page.


Supports Service Java rules and other handcrafted Java code. A list of jar files that are added to the compile-time classpath for the compiler used to compile the generated Java. This allows service activities to call the classes in external JAR files. For Windows systems, separate the JAR files with a colon. For UNIX systems, separate the JAR files with a semicolon.

As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Compiler to create or update this data instance. See System category — Settings page.

See PDN article About the Process Commander class paths.


Controls whether data instance indexing for full-text search is enabled.

As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Search to create or update this data instance.

See System category — Settings page.


In a multi-node cluster, identifies the internal node name (a hash value) of the node that supports Elasticsearch full-text indexing.

As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Search to create or update this data instance.

See System category — Settings page.


Controls whether rule instance indexing is enabled. See As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Search to create or update this data instance.

See System category — Settings page.

Pega-RULES.indexing/updatetime Records the date and time of the last comprehensive index build.

Controls whether work item indexing is enabled.

As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Search to create or update this data instance.

See System category — Settings page..


In a multi-node cluster, records the URI to be used in SOAP-based communications among nodes to support full-text searches.

As a best practice, select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Search to create or update this data instance.

See System category — Settings page.


Enables or disables usage tracking. Initial value is true.

See How to analyze system-wide usage with the Log-Usage class.


Maximum records retrieved for report definitions.

See Reporting Category — Settings Page

Pega-RULESEnginepyQueryTimeoutInterval See Reporting Category — Settings Page
Pega-RULESEnginepyExportMaxRecords See Reporting Category — Settings Page
Pega-RULESEnginepyExportQueryTimeout See Reporting Category — Settings Page

Specifies the number of records exported at one time. The default setting is 5,000 records.

See Reporting Category — Settings Page


Appends old email headers to new headers if the value is true, and does not append if the value is blank or not set to true.

The new email header for the old header PegaAttachmentID is X-PegaAttachmentID, for Email-Handle is X-PegaEmail-Handle, and for Work-Handle is X-PegaWork-Handle.