Adding a case or Pulse attachment from a web storage provider

When you work on a case, you can add content from a web storage provider to the case in the Attachments and Pulse sections.

  1. Add a case attachment from a web storage provider by completing the following steps:
    1. Click Attach new in the Attachments section and then click the menu option that allows you to add files from your web storage provider.
      This option is the value that you entered in the Label field that is displayed when you select Source from web storage provider on the Integration & security tab of your application rule.
      Note: If you are connecting to your web storage provider account from this application for the first time, you may be prompted to authenticate and authorize the connection with your web storage provider.
    2. Browse and attach a file from your web storage provider account.

    The case attachment appears in the Attachments section.

    Tip: To remove a case attachment, click the Delete icon next to the name of the attachment.
  2. Add a Pulse attachment from a web storage provider by completing the following steps:
    1. Optional: Enter a message in the field that appears below the Pulse section.
    2. Click Upload external in the Pulse section and click the menu option that allows you to add files from your web storage provider.
      This option is the value that you entered in the Label field that is displayed when you select Source from web storage provider on the Integration & security tab of your application rule.
    3. Browse and attach a file from your web storage provider account.
    4. Click Post.
    The Pulse message and attachment appear in the Pulse section.
    Tip: To remove a Pulse attachment, click the Close icon next to the Pulse message. The system deletes both the Pulse message and attachment.
Note: You cannot add case and Pulse attachments from the target folder, which is the folder that stores the case and Pulse attachments in your application. You can add files from sub-folders in the target folder or folders outside the target folder. For more information, see Sourcing attachments from external storage.