Creating a top-level case type

Creating a case type

You can create a top-level case type to model the primary work that is accomplished in your application. Top-level case types can contain child case types.

  1. In the navigation panel, click Cases to view the list of current case types in your application.

  2. Click + Add a case type.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the case type.

  4. Expand the Advanced Settings section to configure the rule resolution for the case type.

    Options include:

    • Derives From (Directed) — Enter a class name that is an explicit, or directed, parent for your case type class.

      You can enter any class name that exists in your application. The name you specify is used during rule resolution.

      As a best practice, keep the default value of Work-Cover- so that your case type can exercise all supported features.

    • Derives From (Pattern) — Select a class name to prefix the fully qualified name for your case type class.

      The default value is set to the current work pool of your application. You can select any existing case type class in your application. The name you specify is used during rule resolution.

    • Ruleset — Select a ruleset name from your application stack to store the new case type.

    • Version — Select an unlocked version of the ruleset name specified in the Ruleset field.

  5. Click Finish.

The case type is added to your application, but it does not have a life cycle or data model defined. You can define these now or at a later time.

If you based the case type on an existing type, the data model shows any reusable fields.