Example shell script file
The following is a sample ksh script calling the ExtractImpl class with an XML representation of the Extract rule. This sample assumes that the script is being run from the BIX distribution directory and that the CLASSPATH environment variable is set to include the JAR files in the BIX distribution's lib directory.
- JVM arguments to set the JVM memory parameters.
- JVM arguments to set system properties specifying the location of the prconfig.xml and prlog4j2.xml files.
- JVM arguments to set system properties specifying the location of prbootstrap.properties.
- JVM arguments to set the classpath to include the jar files in the BIX distribution's lib directory and to specify the location of the JDBC driver jar file needed to run the Extract rule.
- ExtractImpl parameters: -I switch with the name of the XML file containing the XML representation or the Extract rule.
Note: This functionality is available when you purchase and install the BIX application.