Configuring the DataSet-Execute method for Kinesis

You can automate data management operations on records that are defined by the Kinesis data set by using the DataSet-Execute method. You can perform these operations programmatically, instead of doing them manually.

  1. Create an Activity rule from the Explorer panel, by clicking Records > Technical > Activity > +Create, to start the DataSet-Execute method. For more information, see Activities - Completing the New or Save As form.
  2. Click the activity Steps tab.
  3. In the Method field, enter DataSet-Execute.
  4. In the Step page field, specify the step page on which the method operates, or leave this field blank to use the primary page of this activity.
  5. Optional: Enter a description for the method.
  6. Click the Arrow icon to the left of the Method field to expand the Method Parameters section.
  7. In the Data Set field, enter the name of the data set that is used to represent a Kinesis data stream.
  8. In the Operation list, select the type of operation. Depending on the type of operation, specify additional settings.
    • Save — Save records passed by a page or data transform in the Kinesis data source.
      • Select the Save list of pages defined in a named page check box to save the list of pages from an existing Code-Pega-List page.

    • Browse — Read all records from the Kinesis data source.
      • In the Stop browsing after field, enter a value to define the time threshold for stopping the browse operation (in seconds, minutes, or hours).

      • In the Maximum number of records to read field, enter a value to define the threshold for stopping the browse operation. You can also define this value through an expression.

      • In the Store results in field, define the result page. The result page consists of an existing Code-Pega-List page.