Property-Map-Value method
The Property-Map-Value method evaluates a one-dimensional map value (
rule type) defined in the parameter. The method sets the result as a value for a
Single Value
The related method Property-Map-ValuePair works similarly for two-dimensional map values.
In the
tab of a flow rule, a decision shape
can reference a map value.
This method has three parameters:
Parameter | Description |
PropertyName | Identify a target property to hold the result of this method. (You can't use a local variable here.) |
MapName | Enter the name — second key part — of a map value (Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type). |
RowInput |
Optional. Identify an input value for the row, as a literal constant or
Single Value
property reference. If you leave this blank, the system uses the value of the
property, defined on the
tab of the map value.
AllowMissingProperties |
Select to cause map value processing to continue even if a referenced property is not present on the clipboard. For a
Single Value
property, the system uses the null string as the value of the missing property.
Clear to cause map value processing to halt when processing references a property that is not present on the clipboard. This causes the system to store an output parameter MapValueStatus with value "NotFound" on the parameter page of the activity. |
The system forms a map value key from the value in the second parameter and the class of the step page or primary page. It uses rule resolution to find the map value.
It evaluates this one-dimensional) rule using as input the value you supply in the RowInput parameter (or the property identified the Input tab of the map value).
It stores the result in the property you identified in the PropertyName parameter.
Checking the method status
This method updates the pxMethodStatus property. See How to test method results using a transition.