Selecting the property for a Rich Text Editor control
Select a property for the control to determine the data type to include in the list that an application user sees. At run time, the user selects one or more values from the list.
In the Property field on the General tab of the Properties panel, press the Down Arrow key and select a property, the value of which the user selects at run time.
Click the Open icon to review the property (if the reference is to an existing property in the Applies To class of this rule or a parent of that class).
If the property is not found, the New dialog box is displayed and you can use it to create the property.
Optional: Add placeholder text to display in the rich text area.
- Select None if you do not want to display placeholder text.
- Select Other if you want to display a hint or instructional text in the field. The text disappears when the user enters a value. If the user does not enter a value, the placeholder text reappears when the field loses focus.
Set the Visibility option to determine when the property value is displayed.
Select Always, If not blank, or Not zero to display or hide the field based on the property value at the time this section or flow action is first presented or refreshed.
Select Condition (expression) to make the visibility dependent on an expression. In the field that is displayed, select a condition or click the Gear icon to open the Condition Builder.
Select Condition (when rule) to make the visibility dependent on a when condition rule. Click the Open icon to create a when condition or review an existing one.
To require application users to enter or select a value for this field to save the form, set the Required option.
Select the Rich Text Editor control features that you want users to use. Select the check box next to each feature to make the feature available when the Rich Text Editor control is displayed at run time.
Optional: Provide an ID for use in a guided tour. Use a combination of numbers, letters, and underscores. Pega Platform uses the Tour ID when it finds an anchor button during a tour stop anchor point.