Configuring the identity provider for an OpenID Connect authentication service

To enable the system to verify the identity of requestors, configure the identity provider for your OpenID authentication service. You configure the identity provider by importing values from a file or by entering them manually.

  1. Open the authentication service.
  2. On the OpenID Connect tab, navigate to the OpenID Connect provider configuration section.
  3. If you are configuring the identity provider by importing the configuration, complete these steps:
    1. Click Import metadata.
    2. Select the source of the metadata ( via URL or via file ), and then enter the URL or file path.
    3. Click Submit.
  4. If you are configuring the identity provider by entering values manually, complete these steps:
    1. In the Authorization endpoint field, enter the authorization endpoint URL.
    2. In the Token endpoint field, enter the token endpoint URL.
    3. Optional: In the Userinfo endpoint field, enter the userinfo endpoint URL.
    4. Optional: In the Logout endpoint field, enter the logout endpoint URL.
    5. In the Redirect URI field, enter the redirect URI.
    6. In the Issuer field, enter the certificate issuer.
    7. In the Signature truststore field, press the Down Arrow key and select the keystore that contains the public key that is used for verifying the signature of the authentication assertion.
      • If you imported provider metadata, or if the Signature truststore field is blank, the system creates a keystore instance and adds the certificate to the new keystore instance. The system sets the alias of the entry in the keystore to the certificate's issuer name and sets the keystore password to rules.
      • If the Signature truststore field is not blank and refers to a valid keystore instance when you import the provider metadata, the system adds the certificate to the existing keystore instance and sets the alias of the entry to the certificate's issuer name.
    8. To add parameters for any of these fields, click Add parameters.
  5. Navigate to the Client information section and complete the Client identifier, Client secret, and Scope fields.
  6. In the Operator identification section, in the Map operator id from claim field, specify the name of the claim that contains the operator ID.
  7. Optional: Configure the advanced properties of the identity provider.
  8. Click Save.
What to do next:  Mapping operator information for an OpenID Connect authentication service