You can customize the type of data that is retrieved from Facebook data sets through social media connectors in
Pega Platform
to get specific content that is required to fulfill your business objectives (for example, user verification information, profile pictures, emoticons, and so on). You customize that content by providing the correct connection details to the Facebook data sets, retrieving the social media metadata, and mapping that metadata to the
Pega Platform
In the header of Dev Studio, click .
In the Connection section, enter the connection details to
access the Facebook data set:
App ID
App secret
Facebook Page URL
Note: You can obtain the App ID and App secret from the Facebook developers site.
Retrieve the social media metadata for Facebook posts, messages, and comments.
For messages only, enter the Facebook page token that you can obtain from the
Facebook site for developers.
Note: This token is required by Facebook to get the direct messages that were received
on the page.
Enter the Facebook query for each type of metadata that you want to customize. The
query must be a Facebook Graph API field name that represents the type of metadata
that you want to retrieve, for example, name.
Note: Facebook has different types of metadata for each type of content. You must
customize each content type separately.To generate metadata for comments, use a
Facebook page that contains comments. If the Facebook page that you use does not
have any comments in it, an error message is displayed.
Click Retrieve data. The system generates the final query
after appending the default parameters of the metadata to the fields that you
specified. The default metadata properties that were retrieved from the Facebook data
set are displayed in the Metadata mapping section. Those
default properties cannot be edited.
In the Metadata mapping section, add the metadata that you want
to retrieve from the Facebook data set and map it to the Pega Platform
Click Add mapping.
In the Source field column, expand the drop-down list and
select the Facebook metadata type that you want to retrieve.
In the Target field, map the selected Facebook metadata type
to a Pega Platform property. If the property that you want to
associate with the selected Facebook metadata does not exist, you must create a new
property whose Applies-To class is Data-Social-Facebook.
Click Save.