My Alerts display
You can view the current Alert log on the server node produced by your own requestor session using the My Alerts display. Select Alerts from the Dev Studio developer toolbar.
Note: This display is limited to the current Alert log; alerts in older logs are not visible.
Depending on your log file systems settings, a new log may start each time a node is
started, at specific time each day, or on another basis.
The following summary information is displayed for each alert:
- Date and Time : Date and time of the alert, converted from GMT to the time zone of the server.
Alert Type : A text description of the alert type. For example, the text
corresponds to alert type PEGA0001, interaction times. Other types areDatabase
) . - Value : The measured value of the Key Performance Indicator, recorded in seconds, as a count, or in bytes.
- Interaction : The sequence number of the browser-to-server interaction since the requestor session began, as indicated by the Performance tool display.
Work Pool : Work pool that the requestor is using, or
. - Last Input : A portion of the URL received in the most recent interaction. Typically the text Stream= or Activity= and the name of an activity or stream rule run by the URL.
- First Activity : For alerts from interactive requestors, the first activity or stream run by this requestor in the current interaction. (This activity or stream may or may not have caused the alert.)
The alerts are ordered by date and time; the first row is the most current. Click the arrow in the first column to expand the row to view more details about the alert.
Note: When using this tool for Customer Service chat interactions, be aware that a single
browser session can be served by multiple requestors.
Display options
By default, 20 alerts are displayed on the page.
- Click a numbered link 1 , 2 , 3 , next> or previous to scroll back and forth through the list.
- Click This Session Only to limit the display to alerts produced by your current requestor session.
- Click All My Sessions to include alerts from the current session and other sessions with your current Operator ID.
- Click Performance or Security to toggle the display between security-related alerts (SECnnnn) and performance-related events (PEGAnnnn).
Click the Options link to view or set log filtering criteria. You can set the following
- Lines per page : Enter the number of alerts to display on a page. The valid values are 1 through 200.
- Number of pages presented : Set a maximum number of pages to present as numbered links, between 2 and 20.
- Filter by : Optional. Enter a text string to limit the display to only alert lines containing an exact match anywhere within the line. Leave blank for no filtering. Case is not significant. For example, enter [email protected] to find lines containing this value, or containing [email protected].
- Click Apply to update the display with the new filter criteria.