Configuring connection details for environments

Configure connection details for your development, stage, and production environments to specify the external systems that the data views use to get data. As a best practice, it is recommended that the production endpoint URL be different from the development and stage endpoint URL.

You can configure connection details as the last step in the New Data Type wizard when you define source data during data type creation or when modifying data views.

  1. If you are configuring connection details from the New Data Type wizard, skip this step, otherwise, from the Data explorer, click the data type for which you want to configure connection details.
    1. Click Data views.
    2. Click More > Environments settings.
  2. In the section for the environment that you are configuring, in the Endpoint URL field, enter the endpoint URL of an external system.
  3. Configure authentication for the endpoint, based on the type of authentication that you choose.
    • To not authenticate, in the Authentication mode field, select None.
    • To use the basic HTTP authentication credentials:
      1. In the Authentication mode field, select Basic.
      2. In the User name field, enter a valid user name.
      3. Click Set password.
      4. Enter a password for the user name that you entered.
      5. Click Submit.
      6. In the Realm field, enter the realm of the user account on the server to which you are connecting.
      7. In the Host name field, enter the host name of the server to which the request is being sent.
      8. Optional: To receive a basic authentication request before the server gives an unauthorized response, select Preemptive authentication. Selecting this check box reduces connection overhead.
    • To use the NT LAN Manager credentials:
      1. In the Authentication mode field, select NTLM.
      2. In the User name field, enter a valid user name.
      3. Click Set password.
      4. Enter a valid password for the user name that you entered.
      5. Click Submit.
      6. In the Domain field, enter the domain of the user account that you provide in the User name field.
      7. In the Host Name field, enter the host name of the server to which the request is being sent.
  4. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each environment that you are configuring.
  5. Click Submit.