Using the Revalidate and Save tool
You can identify the class of the instances (such as rules or data instances) to be revalidated, and optionally a RuleSet and Version, and list instances that meet these criteria. You can also bulk validate the rules you select.
Completing the form
Complete this form to identify the objects to be revalidated.
Label | Description |
Class | Select the type of object to be listed. |
RuleSet Name | Optional. If you chose a rule type, you many select a RuleSet to restrict which the rules are listed. |
RuleSet Version |
If you selected a
RuleSet Name, select to limit the rules
to be listed to a single version.
Select a version number. |
During Update Move to? |
If you selected a version number, select to cause the revalidated rules to be
placed in a higher version number. Rules that fail validation are not altered.
Select the new version number, from those already defined for the selected RuleSet. |
Memo | Enter a brief text memo describing the purpose of this bulk revalidation. This memo appears in the detailed history of instances that are successfully revalidated. |
List | Click to list the objects that meet the criteria you have entered. |
Run | Click to begin processing the selected instances. |
Close | Click to close the Revalidate and Save form. |
Columns of the list include an Update? check box, the key of the object, a RuleSet and version (for rules), and the status. Check at least one box before starting the bulk validation:
- Select the Update? check box for a row to include this row in the validation.
- Click Check All to check the Update? box in all rows.
- Click Uncheck All to clear the Update? box in all rows.
- Click Inverse to invert the Update? box value in all rows.
Click Run to begin revalidation. Click Stop to pause revalidation. Results are presented in the Results column as a check mark or red X. Hold the mouse pointer over the red X to review at least one error.
Click the
in any row to review
or correct any that fail.
After making corrections, you can click Clear Status and rerun the validation test.
A dynamic display identifies the key of the object being processed; a counter shows total rows and rows that failed validation.
This operation is similar to opening and saving each rule or data instance. (In addition, some but not all RuleSet prerequisites and class restrictions are checked.) If an instance fails validation, the previous saved version is unchanged.
If an instance passes validation, the
tab is updated with
your Operator ID, the current date and time, and current system in the
row. For rules, a history detail instance is added with
your Memo and the notation
Bulk Update
Warning messages may appear. Warning messages do not indicate that the rule failed to validate or save. Use Guardrails landing page to see all warnings.
You can revalidate rules that belong to a locked RuleSets version, excluding RuleSet versions that form the Pega Platform. The History tab and history details are updated to reflect the successful revalidation; other aspects of the rule (as visible on the form) do not change.