Enforcing policies from the Security Policies landing page
You can configure your OpenID Connect authentication service to enforce security policies that are defined on the Security Policies landing page.
- Open the authentication service and click the Security policies tab.
- Click the Add item icon to specify a security policy.
In the Policy type list, select the policy to
- If you select Multi-factor authentication, you must map properties such as email address or phone number from the email or SMS receiver account by using the Mapping tab.
- If you select User consent, the section pyPostAuthConsentScreen is displayed to the user after authentication. You can customize this section.
- If you select CAPTCHA, the settings on the
Security Policies landing page take
effect as described below.
- If you set the value of Enable presentation of CAPTCHA upon initial login to Enabled, the CAPTCHA is displayed for every login.
- If you set the value of Enable presentation of CAPTCHA upon initial login to Disabled, the CAPTCHA is displayed according to the probability that you set in the Probability that CAPTCHA will be presented upon authentication failure (%) field.
- Click Save.