Merge branches customization
You can enhance the merge process for your development team in various ways to comply with your organization's policies and procedures. You can:
- Add preprocessing behavior
- Add postprocessing behavior
- Customize validation on the inputs in the Merge Branches wizard user interface
For preprocessing and postprocessing behavior, the flow rule that governs this process has two extension points as subprocesses at which you can add custom steps: pyPreMergeInstances and pyPostMergeInstances. By saving a copy of the standard rule and customizing your copy, you can override the generic behavior with custom behavior; for example:
- Preprocessing: By customizing a copy of pyPreMergeInstances, you can provide processing that occurs before the wizard starts, such as verifying that a user's operator ID is performing the merge instead of a generic account.
- Postprocessing: By customizing a copy of pyPostMergeInstances, you can provide processing that occurs after the wizard completes, such as sending an email notifying the team about the status of the merge.
For customized validation on inputs into the wizard user interface, you can override the extension point activity pyValidateMergeOptions.