Checking the decision data nodes status
For each decision data node on the Services landing page, the Status column shows the current state of that decision data node. Refer to the status information about the nodes to monitor performance and to troubleshoot problems.
The following statuses are available:
- The node is in the process of being enabled, and the server is joining the decision data node cluster.
- The decision data node is in a normal, functional state.
- The node is deactivated but is still recognized as a decision data node.
- The node is in the process of being decommissioned, and the server is leaving the decision data node cluster.
- The node is in the process of being moved to a new position in the decision data cluster ring.
- The file system in the decision data node is corrupted. Use a repair operation to make this decision data node operational again.
- The repair operation is running on the decision data node.
- The compact operation is running on the decision data node.
- The cleanup operation is running on the decision data node.
- The status of the decision data node is currently unknown.
Each node takes a payload that is relative to the amount of available nodes. Cassandra balances the payload (data ownership) across the nodes and the total ownership adds up to 100%. For example, in a cluster consisting of three nodes, each node has ownership of approximately 33% of the data. This expectation may be missed if there are networking issues in the process of nodes joining the cluster. For this reason, the Pega Platform allows one node joining at the time; the remaining nodes stay in pending joining until the process of joining the previous node completes.