Rebuilding search indexes from the user interface

You can rebuild search indexes if they become corrupted, if they were accidentally deleted, or if you have deleted a dedicated index.

To access the Search landing page, you must have the pxAccessSearchLP privilege, which is included in the PegaRULES:SysAdm4 role.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Configure > System > Settings > Search.
  2. Click Default or Dedicated.
    Note: Custom indexes cannot be rebuilt from Dev Studio. Custom indexes are managed from the application that uses them.
  3. Click Re-index next to the index for which you want to rebuild the complete index.
  4. Optional: For the Work- index file, select whether to index all classes, specific classes that you list, or all classes except those classes you list.
  5. If you are indexing specific classes that you list, or all classes except those you list, enter the classes in the List of work classes.
  6. Click OK.
    Note: When you re-index the default indexes all rules, all data, or all work, classes in dedicated indexes are not re-indexed.