Creating an iOS certificate set
To build a custom mobile app or configure an SDK mobile app for the iOS
platform, you must create a certificate set in the
Pega Platform
If you select a wildcard provisioning file to use, you must also specify the App
ID for the mobile app. In addition, neither the push notification certificate nor the widget
provisioning file will be available in the certificate set. If you select a provisioning
profile that already has push notifications configured for use, the App ID for the app is
already defined and the field will be read-only in the certificate set. However, you will be
able to set up a push notification certificate and the widget provisioning file.
- In the Build your application panel, select the iOS switch.
- In the Certificate set section, click New to add a new certificate set.
Set up a mobile provisioning file:
- If a mobile provisioning file does not exist, click New to upload a provisioning file.
- If a mobile provisioning file already exists, select one from the Mobile Provisioning file list.
- If in the previous step you set up a wildcard provisioning profile, in the App ID (Bundle ID) field, enter the unique bundle identifier for the iOS app.
Set up a signing certificate:
- If a certificate set does not exist, click New to upload a signing certificate.
- If a signing certificate already exists, select one from the Signing certificate list.
If in step 6 you set up a Push Notification provisioning profile, enable push
- If the push notifications certificate does not exist, upload a push notification certificate.
- If the push notifications certificate already exists, select one from the Push Notification certificate list.
If you plan to use the Today widget, set up a widget provisioning file:
- If a widget provisioning file does not exist, click New to upload a widget provisioning file.
- If a widget provisioning file already exists, select one from the Widget Provisioning file list.
- Click Submit.