Flow processing in offline mode
When creating an offline-enabled application, all the work flows that you want to make available to the user must be listed as a starting flow for the application, and either a screen flow or a standard back-to-back assignment flow that starts with an assignment. Flows that create cases can perform assignments when you work in offline mode.
In addition, flows and subflows have the following features:
- Flows that create cases can be performed offline.
- Back-to-back flows that create cases also can be performed offline.
- Flows that create cases can be expanded. Only assignment shapes, question shapes, and decision shapes that use when rules or evaluate a simple Boolean expression can be performed when offline. If any other shape is reached, the flow processing stops when offline.
- Subflows are supported in offline-enabled applications for the current work item when:
- The subflow is in the main flow.
- The subflow consists of a nested subflow.
- The subflow is located next to an assignment shape. Split for each and split join are not supported.
Routing based on likelihood values is supported for connectors coming out of a subprocess in offline mode. When the results of two connectors match, the one with the highest likelihood value is selected.
You can configure the Back button as one of the flow action buttons so that you can move back to the previous assignment in a current or previous flow.
When creating offline-enabled applications that use flows and subflows, keep in mind the following information:
- The worklist displayed in an offline-enabled application must be of the Assign-Worklist type.
- The latitude and longitude coordinates are recorded for assignments performed in offline mode.
- Both the client and the server processing date/time stamp is recorded for each assignment performed in offline mode.
- You can create work with parameters.
- pyWorkParty is not supported while working offline.
- You can open work by handle from a Repeating Dynamic Layout (grids are not supported).
- The confirm harness used is the confirm harness that is set on the pyStartCase flow.
- When building an application on top of another application, you cannot reuse flows from the built-in application in offline cases. To reuse flows from a built-in application, save the flows again into the class of the current application.