Configuring a setting
Configure the data type and other aspects of the setting rule to define when an Access of Role to Object rule takes effect.
You must complete the following task before you can configure a setting:
Creating a setting.
- Create a setting, or open an existing instance from the navigation panel by clicking Records > Security > Setting and selecting an instance.
In the
Data Type
list, select the data type of the property to
be evaluated for this setting.
- String
- Integer
- Decimal
- Date Time
In the
Multiple Setting Behavior
list, select how to evaluate
the setting when a user holds two or more access roles that each have a value for this
- To use the minimum value, select Smallest.
- To use the maximum value, select Largest.
- Optional: In the Setting Edit field, press the Down Arrow key and select an edit input rule to apply to the setting value when a developer saves an Access of Role to Object rule containing this setting.
- Optional:
To sort values for this setting in a different order than the default sort implied by
the data type, in the
Sort Function
field, press the Down Arrow key
and select a function.
The three setting values are "Gold", "Silver", and "Platinum", which you want to appear in that order. Your function can define an order that makes "Platinum" the maximum value rather than the middle value.
To identify product rules for this setting rule, in the
section, press the
Add a row
icon and enter the
following values:
- In the Product Name field, press the Down Arrow key and select the product name.
- In the Product Version field, press the Down Arrow key and select the product version.
- Click Save.