Connect EJB form – Completing the Create tab

Use the Create tab to specify the data values that the remote system passes as input parameters to the create() method of the EJB home object. Pega Platform maps data from the clipboard to parameter values of the create method.

Complete the Service tab before completing this tab. The list of parameters and their data types are automatically filled in.


Field Description
Data type The form contains the external data type of each parameter of the EJB Create method. Primitive Java types ( int, boolean, char, and so on), Java Strings, and arrays of primitive types are supported.
Map from Select how the system creates parameter values for the request. The choice you make for this field depends on the Data Type value:
  • Clipboard — The system maps the data value to the scalar property specified by the Map from key.
  • Constant — The system sends a fixed text value.
  • XML Stream — The system composes a stream of XML text formatted by an XML Stream rule.
  • HTML Stream — The system composes a stream of HTML text formatted by an HTML rule.
Map from key Identify a source for the Map From value:
  • If you map from Clipboard, enter a property reference that is the source of the data.
  • If you map from Constant, enter a literal text string. To include blank spaces in your text string, surround the string with double quotes.
  • If you map from XML Stream, enter the Stream Name key part of the XML Stream rule that is to assemble the outgoing XML document. To find the rule at runtime, the system uses the Applies To class of this Connect EJB rule as the class of the XML rule, and the literal constant MapFrom as the final key part. Enter only the Stream Name key part.
  • If you map from HTML Stream, enter the Stream Name key part of the HTML rule that is to generate the data stream. To find the rule at runtime, the system uses the Applies To key part of this Connect EJB rule as the Applies To key part of the HTML rule.