Adding a video to a section
You can add a video to your section to provide an interactive user experience.
- Open the Design tab of your section.
- Click Advanced > Video, and then drag the control into one of the layouts.
- Click the View properties icon to open the cell properties panel.
Select a video file, and configure other general properties.
Property Description Visibility Determines when the control is visible on the screen. - Select Always to have the video appear when this area of the user form (section or flow action) is presented or refreshed.
- Select If not blank or If not zero to make the video visible or hidden based on the property value when this area of the user form (section or flow action) is presented or refreshed.
- Select Condition (expression) if you want the video to be visible only when a condition is met. Enter the expression to be validated or use the Expression Builder to create an expression.
- Select Condition (When rule) to make the visibility depend on a when condition rule, a Boolean expression evaluated only once, or a test evaluated repeatedly for JavaScript events.
For options other than Always, select:
- Reserve space when hidden to leave the space blank even when the video element is invisible
- Run visibility condition on client to validate a conditional expression on the client
Source URL Enter the source URL of the video file. - Select Text to enter the URL as a fully qualified URL.
- Select Property Reference to refer to a property that holds the value of the URL.
All User Controls By default, all playback controls such as play, pause, and end are enabled. Select No to disable all the user controls.
Autoplay By default, autoplay is disabled. Select Yes to enable autoplay. Loop By default, the video plays only once. Select Yes to continuously loop the video. Muted By default, the video is muted when it is rendered. Select No to enable audio. Preload Determines the buffering method for streaming this video. - Select auto to buffer the entire video when the element is rendered.
- Select metadata to download only the metadata. Buffering starts only when the video is played.
- Select none to download nothing. Buffering starts only when the video is played.
Click Presentation to select a poster image, and configure other
presentation properties.
Property Description Include a Label Optional: Select this property to add a label to your video. Enter the label text or select a property or field value that contains the label text.
Label format Select a label format. Poster Image Select a poster image for your video. A poster image is a static image that is shown when no video data is available. Enter the source URI of the image or select a property that contains the source URI. Advanced Presentation Options - Optional: On the Control form - Actions tab, configure an action set that is started when any of the video-related events occur.
- Click Submit.