You upload a widget provisioning profile from your computer to a new or to an existing certificate set. A widget provisioning profile for
the iOS platform is a collection of digital entities that enables the use of a Today widget with
your mobile app for iOS.
Note: When you create a widget provisioning file, the widget provisioning profile and the
mobile provisioning profile must belong to the same App Group, and the bundle ID of the
widget provisioning file must include the bundle ID that is defined in your iOS app's mobile
provisioning file.
If necessary, generate a new widget provisioning profile for your iOS app from the
Apple Developer Portal and save it in a directory of your choice.
If the certificate set does not exist, create a new certificate set.
If the certificate set exists, open an existing certificate set
Next to the
Widget Provisioning
file list, click
Browse, and select a widget provisioning profile file from
your directory.
In the
Profile name
field, enter a name for the widget
provisioning profile. The name cannot include underscore ( _ ), hyphen (-), or period (.)
Result:Â After you upload a provisioning file for an existing certificate set, you can select
this modified certificate set for your iOS mobile app. For more information, see Selecting an iOS certificate set.