Linking a landing page to an application guide
Link a landing page to your application guide to give users direct access to internal tools.
- Open an application guide by searching for it or by using the Application Explorer.
- On the Definition tab, expand a chapter in the Chapter name column.
- Click the Gear icon next to a task name.
Add a link to the task.
Tip: For an example configuration of the following fields, open the Pega-Landing.pyMainMenu navigation rule by searching for it or by using the Application Explorer.
- In the Action type list, select Open landing page.
- In the Display text field, enter a label for the link that users click in the task.
- In the Action field, select Display.
- In the Name field, enter a label for the tab that displays the landing page.
- In the Class field, press the Down Arrow key, and then select a class that defines harnesses.
- In the Harness Name field, select the harness that the landing page displays.
- Decide which tab has focus when users open the landing page.
Enter the tab name in one of the following fields, based on the tab's position in
the landing page hierarchy:
Level A
Level B
Level C
- Click Submit.
- Click Save.