Adding features to application inventory
Get a quick overview of the functionalities that your development team
needs to implement by adding features to your application inventory. When you analyze
your application inventory, you can conveniently plan your application development in a
more detailed way.
For example, you can create features that represent
language packs and case types to ensure that you deliver an application that meets the
requirements defined with your stakeholders. During application development, your team then
turns features into usable functionalities.
Before you begin: To reuse features, add built-on applications to your current
application. For more information, see Adding built-on applications.
You can assign each feature a complexity level. Complexity indicates the time and effort that a team needs to implement a feature and impacts further estimation of the time required for application development.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click the name of the application, and then click Overview.
- In the header of the Features section, click the Click to create new feature icon.
- In the Create feature dialog box, in the Name field, enter text that uniquely identifies the feature.
- Optional: To provide additional information, in the Description field, enter text that describes the business value of this feature and provides an overview of what users can do when the development team implements the feature.
- Click Create.