Review the created model by analyzing the results of testing against the provided
training data.
In the wizard step, view the outcome of the classification analysis of the testing
sample by clicking Download report.
You can view the following types of classification measures:
- Topic detection analysis results.
- Manual (actual) and machine (predicted) outcome comparison.
- True positive, precision, recall, and F-score measures.
- Optional:
For detailed information about the achieved accuracy, click the
Expand icon next to each model that you created.
You can view the following data:
- On the Class summary tab, view the predicted (manual) and
actual (machine) outcome comparison of the assigned classification values.
Additionally, you can view true positive, precision, recall, and F-score measures.
- On the Test results tab, view the classification analysis of
the records in the testing sample. You can view the actual (machine), and predicted
(manual) outcomes, as well as whether the actual and manual outcomes match.
Click Next.
What to do next: Save the model and download a file that contains the model
that you created. For more information, see Saving the topic detection model.