Data Flows landing page

This landing page provides facilities for managing data flows in your application. Data flows allow you to sequence and combine data based on various sources, and write the results to a destination. Data flow runs that are initiated through this landing page run in the access group context. They always use the checked-in instance of the Data Flow rule and the referenced rules.

The Data Flows landing page contains the following tabs:

Real-time processing
Use this tab to manage data flows that use a stream data set as main input
Batch processing
Use this tab to manage data flows that use a non-stream data set as main input.
Single case processing
Use this tab to manage data flows that are triggered in the single case mode from the DataFlow-Execute method.
Note: The Data Flows landing page may also include the External processing tab for managing data flows that run in external environments. The tab is hidden from the user interface by default, and can be made available through a dynamic system setting. External data flows are deprecated and no longer officially supported.