Offline configuration page

The Mobile Offline landing page provides quick access to offline configurations for the offline-enabled application that you are developing. It contains settings that affect how the offline capability works in Pega Platform.

The following tabs are available on this landing page:

Offline rules

The Offline rules tab gives you access to:

  • The cache manifest definition for the mobile app. This is where you modify static resource definitions for the mobile app, such as images and fonts, that will be available while working offline. You can update the contents of the cache manifest for the mobile app by clicking the Modify cache manifest link, which opens the pyCustomAppCache rule.
  • A list of data pages that need to also be available offline even though they are not directly referenced in the user interface. You can add or delete data pages from the list by clicking the Modify whitelist link, which opens the pyDataPageWhitelistForOffline rule.
  • A list of field values that need to also be available offline even though they are not directly referenced in the user interface. You can add or delete field values from the list by clicking the Modify whitelist link, which opens the pyFieldValueWhitelistForOffline rule.
  • A list of data transforms that need to also be available offline even though they are not directly referenced in the user interface. You can add or delete data transforms from the list by clicking the Modify whitelist link, which opens the pyDataTransformWhitelistForOffline rule.
  • A list of data pages that are excluded from any of the offline synchronizations. This list typically consists of data pages that are only used on the client or on the server but not on both. You can add or delete data pages from the list by clicking the Modify blacklist link, which opens the pyDataPageBlacklistForOffline rule.
  • A delta-sync list of data pages that are excluded from the frequent delta data synchronizations. Define the data pages for the mobile app here that have large amount of data and that do not change often. A good example is a list of countries, because their names seldom change. The advantage of using this list is that it saves time during the delta-sync packaging. You can add or delete data pages from the delta-sync list by clicking the Modify delta-sync blacklist link, which opens the pyRequestSync_RemoveFromUpdate rule.
  • A locales list that will be packaged and available offline. You can add or delete locales for offline use by clicking the Modify locales list link opens the pyLocalesListOffline rule.
Note: Data page discovery logic takes place during the packaging process and takes into account the values specified in the permit and deny lists.

Case types

The Case types tab lists all case types, including their child case types, that are defined in your Pega Platform application and indicates whether they are offline-enabled or not. Click any name in the list to open the case type for editing.

Access groups

The Access groups tab lists all access groups associated with the current operator and indicates whether they are offline-enabled or not. Click a name in the list to edit a specific access group rule. The Force full-sync for all groups button forces a full synchronization to all users of these access groups when they next log in.


The Settings tab provides general settings as well as settings for request and requestor pooling. On this tab you specify:

  • Maximum offline attachment size in megabytes
  • Maximum number of idle requestors
  • Maximum number of active requestors
  • Maximum wait time in seconds

The Update button allows you to update these settings from within this page without switching to the service package instance. The OfflineServicePackage link allows you to edit the service package rule that contains additional settings for offline capability.

Retrieve device log

The Retrieve device log tab lets you retrieve device logs from a specific user's device. Data can be narrowed down by a log level and time frame. For the device log retrieval to work you must specify your criteria in the following fields:

  • Operator ID – Select a name of the user of the device from which you want to retrieve logs.
  • Log level – Control which logging events are included in the retrieved device logs.
  • Log retrieval period – Specify whether the logs should be retrieved for the whole time the application was installed on the device or for a certain time period.

The Log files link lets you view or download the current Pega log on the server node you are accessing.

The Retrieve log button sends a request to retrieve the device logs during the next data synchronization event.