Configuring the target database for BIX command-line extractions

The BIX Database Schema output format writes the extracted data directly to a target database. If you want to use the Database Schema output format for the BIX command-line extraction process, add a second set of database connection settings in the prconfig.xml file that specify the target database into which you extract data. To support this output, provide a second set of database connection settings specifying the target database where you want to load the data.
Before you begin:  You must configure the source database before configuring the target database. For details, see Configuring the source database for BIX command-line extractions.
  • You must have access to the prconfig file located in the following distribution directory: PRPC-8.x.x-8xx\Additional_Products\BIX\config\prconfig.xml
  • You must have access to the following target database information:
    • The Output Database name you defined when creating the Extract rule.
    • The database type (PostgreSQL, Oracle, IBM) used for the target database, including the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) URL. See your database documentation for details.
    • The rule schema name of the target database.
    • The data schema name of the target database.
    • The username and password credentials for the target database.
  1. In the BIX prconfig.xml file, copy and paste the database connection settings that you created for the source database.
  2. Below the line containing the element <env name="database/databases/PegaDATA/password" value="a_password" />, copy the following the database connection elements for the target database:
    <env name="database/databases/<TargetDBName>/defaultSchema" value=" " />
    <env name="database/databases/<TargetDBName>/username" value=" " />
    <env name="database/databases/<TargetDBName>/password" value=" " />
  3. In each element name, change the string <TargetDBName> to the name of the target database that you specified as the Output Database Name in the Extract rule.
    For example: 
    Original element Updated element
    database/databases/PegaRULES/url database/databases/TargetDB/url
    database/databases/PegaRULES/userName database/databases/TargetDB/userName
    database/databases/PegaRULES/password database/databases/TargetDB/password
  4. Create a formatted database table for the command-line extraction process by generating a DDL file. For more information, see Generating a DDL file for command-line Database Schema extractions. For more information, consult your database administrator and see the Pega Community article How to configure non-J2EE database connections in the prconfig.xml file.