Using the Job Scheduler rule to extract data with BIX

After you enable the built-in Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) ruleset on Pega Platform and create a Extract rule, you can schedule Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) extractions using Pega Platform Job Scheduler rule.

Before you begin: Gather the following information before extracting data with BIX using a Job Scheduler rule:
  • The Extract rule label
  • The Extract rule class group
To run a BIX extraction process to a target database, the target database must be configured with the data description language (DDL) that is created during an initial BIX extraction process to import the database schema format. For details, see Creating and running an Extract rule.
You can run BIX extractions manually using the Extract rule, or automate the timing of BIX extractions using a Job Scheduler rule. Automated BIX extractions using a Job Scheduler rule run in the background processes of your system, which helps to optimize performance for your Pega application. The BIX extraction process cannot be run on more than one node at a time. For details, see Best practices for writing background processing work and Classifying nodes.
Note: For Pega Platform 8.4 and later, Job Scheduler rules functionally replace agents. For clients with agents running BIX extractions, it is best practice to replace them with a Job Scheduler rule. For more information, see Replacing an agent with a Job Scheduler rule.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Create > SysAdmin > Job Scheduler.
  2. In the Label field, enter a name for the Job Scheduler rule.
  3. In the Context field, select BIX-enabled application.
  4. Click Create and open to display the Job Scheduler definition page.
  5. In the Runs on drop-down list, click Any one associated node.
  6. In Schedule, specify a period in which to run the scheduled extraction process. Each schedule form varies depending on the timeframe selected from the drop-down list.
  7. In Context, select Specify Access Group and then enter the Access Groups that have access to class Rule-Admin-Extract.
  8. In Class, enter the class for the extraction rule, Rule-Admin-Extract.
  9. In Activity, enter the extraction activity, pxExtractDataWithArgs.
  10. Click Parameters and enter the following BIX extraction specifications:
    1. In pyExtractName, enter the Extract rule label.
    2. In pyExtractClassName, enter the Extract rule class group.
    3. In pyArgs, enter any runtime rule-specific parameters that you want to run on your BIX extractions. Enter the parameters in the -n <value> format if a value is required.

      For example, you enter -c -f -x to schedule extraction processes that contain all child classes from the selected Extract rule, include headers and footers in the output extract files, and stop the process upon the first encountered error. For a full list of Extract rule parameters, see BIX parameters and command-line arguments.

  11. Click Save to schedule the extraction process.

    You can find a history of extraction results on the Extract rule Execution History tab.