Adding and deleting database indexes

You can add and delete indexes to your internal Pega Platform database on Pega Cloud using Schema Tools. Indexes allow queries to efficiently retrieve data from a database, but increase the size of information written to a table.

Before you begin: You must have the PegaRULES:SysOpsAdministrator role to access the Edit Agent Schedule landing page. For more information, see Adding a role to an access group.
Indexes work best for improving SELECT queries using the Query Runner on larger tables, but can otherwise slow down UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE queries when using ExecuteRDB SQL from an Activity. For more information about Query Runner and ExecuteRDB SQL API, see Running SQL Queries on Pega Cloud and Database management through SQL.
Adding or deleting an index can take time to complete. After initiating an operation, you can view progress and verify completion by refreshing the landing page and clicking the History tab for the table containing the index.
Note: Pega Cloud Services provides Query Runner, Query Inspector, and Schema Tools in Pega Platform for clients to manage their database. These database tools are not available to on-premises clients.
  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click Configure > System > Database > Schema Tools.
  2. Select the table for the index to view the list of existing indexes.
    • To add an index:
      1. Click Add index.
      2. Enter a name for the index.
      3. Enter a list of one or more columns or functions, in order, for the index.
      4. Click Create index.
    • To delete an index:
      1. Select the index that you want to delete.
      2. Click Delete.