Understanding function rule support in offline mode

When you develop a Pega Platform application, you can use Java utility functions that are available in several libraries to help in the validation process. For example, you can use these functions to sort, modify date and time types, or perform math calculations so that the required validation takes place.

When you develop an offline-enabled application, you can use the JavaScript equivalent of these utility functions. The JavaScript function rule logic is equivalent to the logic in the Java version of the utility function rule. Several JavaScript utility functions are available in the following libraries for offline-enabled applications. Not all functions that are included for Java are by default also available for JavaScript.

Note: To find out which functions are supported for the following utility libraries, see the JavaScript text file rule documentation. For more information, see .
Library name JavaScript text file rule
DateTime pzpega_functions_DateTimeLibrary
Default pzpega_functions_DefaultLibrary
ExpressionEvaluators pzpega_functions_ExpressionEvaluatorsLibrary
Math pzpega_functions_MathLibrary
Sort pzpega_functions_SortLibrary
String pzpega_functions_StringLibrary
Utilities pzpega_functions_UtilitiesLibrary