Configuring the Attach content control

Help users of mobile applications attach content to forms by configuring the Attach content control. For example, with this control, users can conveniently upload documents for review, or upload a photo to endorse a claim.

Note: Offline-enabled applications also support the Attach content control. For more information, see Attach content support in offline mode.
Before you begin: Add the Attach content control to a layout. For more information, see: Adding controls.
  1. Open the view with the control that you want to edit.
    For more information, see Accessing views in your application.
  2. In the configuration pane on the right side of the window, hover over the control, and then click the Edit icon.
  3. On the General tab, configure the display settings for the control:
    1. In the Displayed as list, specify whether to display the control as a button, link, or icon.
    2. In the Button caption list, specify the button caption as text or a property reference.
    3. In the Text field, enter a label for the control.
    4. In the Image source list, specify the source of the image that you want to use for the control as either a simple image, property, icon class, or none.
    5. In the Helper text list, specify whether to display a tooltip at run time.
    6. In the Visibility list, choose when you want to display the control.
      For example: For example, you can make visibility dependent on a when rule.
    7. In the Disable list, specify when the control is not editable.
      For example: For example, you can make the control editable based on an expression.
    8. In the Privilege field, press the Down arrow key, and then select a value to authorize specific users to view the control.
  4. Configure attachment settings for the control:
    1. In the File name list, specify whether to use the default file name, or a name based on text or a property reference.
    2. In the Category list, select the File category, or a category based on a property reference.
    3. In the Attach to list, specify whether to attach the file to a work item or a page.
  5. Optional: To configure attachment compression parameters for mobile apps, modify the preset parameter values. For more information, see Configuring file size options for the Attach content control.
  6. On the Presentation tab, in the Control format list, specify a new format for the control.
    For example: Strong format adds boldface to the caption on the button, for greater visibility of the control.
  7. Optional: To set the control button as a floating action button, select the Set as Floating Action Button (FAB)check box.
  8. Set the label value for the control:
    1. Select the Include a label check box.
    2. In the Label value field, press the Down arrow key, and then select a value.
    3. In the Label format field, press the Down arrow key, and then select a value.
  9. Optional: To customize how the control is displayed to users, expand the Advanced Presentation Options section, and then configure the fields.
  10. Optional: To add one or more action sets to the control, above the General and Presentation tabs, click the Add action sets button, and then click the Create an action set button to enter the configuration pane. For more information, see Control form - Actions tab
  11. In the upper-right corner of the Attach content tab, click Apply.