Obtaining the Google API key

You add the Map control (the pyTrackingMap rule) to a section, dynamic layout or harness, to enable users to interact with location points, and view user tracks on a map from within a desktop or mobile app. You must obtain the Google API key, because the control uses the Google Maps service.

Before you begin:  Make sure that you have a Google Developer account and are familiar with any region-based or usage restrictions. View the Get API Key tutorial from Google for additional assistance with this process.
  1. Access the Google Developer Console and log in to your account.
  2. Create a project or select your existing project.
  3. Enable the Maps JavaScript and Geocoding APIs.
  4. Create a browser key to use for the Public API access.
    Note: Make note of the browser key, because you need it to configure a dynamic system setting.
What to do next:  Proceed to Configuring dynamic system settings for geographic reference.