Setting a date range

Improve the Date Time control functionality by providing users with a convenient way of selecting dates within specific ranges. For example, when users expense business trips for a specific quarter of the year, you can set that period of time as a date range to make the process clearer.
Before you begin: Add a Date Time control to the layout.

For more information, see Adding controls.

  1. Open the view with the control that you want to edit.
    For more information, see Accessing views in your application.
  2. In the configuration pane on the right side of the window, hover over the control, and then click the Edit icon.
  3. On the Presentation tab, in the Editable settings section, enter the date range from which users can choose in the yyyy-mm-dd format.
    For example: In the Max date field, enter 2020-05-15 to limit the date range to May 15, 2020. The succeeding dates become inaccessible.
  4. On the General tab, in the Type row, click Date range.
  5. In the From date section, in the Property field, press the Down arrow key, and then select a specific property that contains data for your range.
  6. Optional: To enter a custom name for the Date Time control, in the Label row, clear the Use property default check box, and then, in the Label value field, enter a new name.
    For example: In a booking application, you can label the control as Check in or Check out.
  7. In the Default value field, enter a suggested date that automatically appears in the calendar.
    For example: To set October 25, 2020 as the default date for the beginning of your date range, enter 2020-10-25.
  8. In the Placeholder field, determine the placeholder text for the control.
    For example: Select Other, and then enter custom information about the control. In a booking application, you can inform users that the specific control is for the check-in.
  9. In the Helper text field, describe the purpose of the control that users see at run time.
    For example: To display additional information under the control, select Always visible / In-line . In a hotel booking application, you can inform users that the minimum length of stay is three days.
  10. In the To date section, repeat 5 through 9by specifying data appropriate for the end of the range.
  11. Click Apply.