

Registers any of various lifecycle callbacks. It is used to establish the status of either the Hybrid Container or the web application.


addLifecycleListener( callback )


This method does not return anything.


Name Description Type Use
callback An object passed to indicate the lifecycle of the Hybrid Container or the web application. object required

Callback structure

The LifecycleListener object's callback can be structured as follows:

	onHide: function() {...},
    onPause: function() {...},
    onResume: function() {...},
	onShow: function() {...}


The following table lists all callbacks supported by the LifecycleListener object.

Name Description Return type
onHide Called when the Web App is hidden. undefined
onPause Called when Hybrid Container goes to the background or the device screen is turned off. undefined
onResume Called when Hybrid Container goes to the foreground. undefined
onShow Called when the Web App is shown. undefined

Related topics

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