

API reference, Public API reference
module dependencies, Module dependencies
set up the API, Setting up the API
Authentication methods
authenticator, Purpose
Authentication object, Purpose
CredentialsLockAuthenticator methods
authenticate, Purpose
create, Purpose
remove, Purpose
CredentialsLockAuthenticator object, Purpose
FingerprintAuthenticator methods
authenticate, Purpose
checkAvailability, Purpose
create, Purpose
remove, Purpose
FingerprintAuthenticator object, Purpose
LoginActivityType enum, Purpose
PegaAuthenticator methods
isLoggedIn, Purpose
logIn, Purpose
logOff, Purpose
PegaAuthenticator object, Purpose
Type enum, Purpose


Back Action
BackAction methods
addListener, Purpose
removeListener, Purpose
BackAction object, Purpose
container_object_back_action listeners
fireDefaultBackButtonAction, Purpose
example, Back Action example
Barcode Scanner
BarcodeScanner callbacks
onCancel, Purpose
onFailure, Purpose
onSuccess, Purpose
BarcodeScanner methods
scan, Purpose
BarcodeScanner object, Purpose
example, BarcodeScanner example
Battery methods
getLevel, Purpose
isPowerConnected, Purpose
startLowLevelMonitoring, Purpose
startPowerConnectionMonitoring, Purpose
stopLowLevelMonitoring, Purpose
stopPowerConnectionMonitoring, Purpose
Battery object, Purpose


Calendar Manager
Attendee object, Purpose
Calendar methods
getCalendarEvents, Purpose
removeCalendarEvent, Purpose
save, Purpose
Calendar object, Purpose
CalendarEvent methods
save, Purpose
CalendarEvent object, Purpose
CalendarManager methods
getCalendars, Purpose
removeCalendar, Purpose
CalendarManager object, Purpose
example, Calendar Manager example
overview, Purpose
Reminder object, Purpose
Communication between web applications
overview, Overview
Contacts methods
find, Purpose
remove, Purpose
save, Purpose
Contacts object, Purpose
example, Contacts example
Container Lifecycle
Container callbacks, Purpose
Container methods
addLifecycleListener, Purpose
getPlatformSpecificDeviceId, Purpose
removeLifecycleListener, Purpose
shutdown, Purpose
startKeepAlive, Purpose
stopKeepAlive, Purpose
Container object, Purpose
example, Container API example


Document Picker
DocumentPicker methods
pick, Purpose
DocumentPicker object, Purpose
properties, Properties
example, DocumentPicker example
Document Viewer
DocumentViewer object, Purpose
example, DocumentViewer example
DocumentViewer methods
cancel, Purpose
canOpen, Purpose
open, Purpose


Encrypted SQL
example, Encrypted SQL example
overview, Overview
SQLStorage callbacks
handleEvent, Purpose
handleEvent(database), Purpose
handleEvent(error), Purpose
handleEvent(transaction), Purpose
handleEvent(transaction, error), Purpose
handleEvent(transaction, resultSet), Purpose
SQLStorage methods
openDatabase, Purpose
openSharedDatabase, Purpose
SQLStorage.Database methods
changeVersion, Purpose
readTransaction, Purpose
transaction, Purpose
SQLStorage.Database object, Purpose
SQLStorage.SQLError object, Purpose
SQLStorage.SQLResultSet object, Purpose
SQLStorage.SQLResultSetRowList methods
forEach, Purpose
item, Purpose
SQLStorage.SQLResultSetRowList object, Purpose
SQLStorage.SQLTransaction methods
executeSql, Purpose
SQLStorage.SQLTransaction object, Purpose


File Transfer
example, File Transfer example
FileTransfer methods
cancel, Purpose
download, Purpose
upload, Purpose
FileTransfer object, Purpose
FileTransferTask object, Purpose
overview, Overview
File Transfer API
example, Example
ArrayBuffer methods
slice, Purpose
ArrayBuffer object, Purpose
Blob methods
slice, Purpose
Blob object, Purpose
DirectoryEntry methods
createReader, Purpose
getDirectory, Purpose
getFile, Purpose
removeRecursively, Purpose
DirectoryEntry object, Purpose
DirectoryReader methods
readEntries, Purpose
DirectoryReader object, Purpose
Entry methods
copyTo, Purpose
getMetadata, Purpose
getParent, Purpose
moveTo, Purpose
remove, Purpose
toURL, Purpose
Entry object, Purpose
example, Filesystem example
File object, Purpose
FileEntry methods
createWriter, Purpose
file, Purpose
FileEntry object, Purpose
FileReader methods
abort, Purpose
readAsArrayBuffer, Purpose
readAsDataURL, Purpose
readAsText, Purpose
FileReader object, Purpose
FileSystem object, Purpose
FileWriter methods
abort, Purpose
seek, Purpose
truncate, Purpose
write, Purpose
FileWriter object, Purpose
LocalFileSystem methods
requestFileSystem, Purpose
resolveFileSystemURL, Purpose
LocalFileSystem, Purpose
Metadata, Purpose
TypedArray, Purpose
overview, Overview
example, FingerprintAuthenticator example


example, Geolocation example
Geolocation methods
clearWatch, Purpose
watchPosition, Purpose
Geolocation object, Purpose
Geoocation methods
getCurrentPosition, Purpose
overview, Purpose
Position object, Purpose
PositionError object, Purpose
PositionOptions object, Purpose


Interapp Communicator
InterAppCommunicator listeners
onEvent, Purpose
InterAppCommunicator methods
addListener, Purpose
removeListener, Purpose
sendEvent, Purpose
InterAppCommunicator object, Purpose
overview, Overview


Location Recorder
Configuration object, Purpose
example, Location Recorder example
LocationRecorder methods
availableRecorders, Purpose
recorder, Purpose
Recorder methods
invalidate, Purpose
pause, Purpose
resume, Purpose
start, Purpose
stop, Purpose
Recorder object, Purpose, Purpose
Status object, Purpose
example, Logger example
Logger methods
clearLogFile, Purpose
readLogTail, Purpose, Purpose
Logger object, Purpose


dependencies, Module dependencies
Activity methods
start, Purpose
stop, Purpose
Activity object, Purpose
Altimeter methods
start, Purpose
stop, Purpose
Altimeter object, Purpose
DeviceMotion methods
start, Purpose
stop, Purpose
DeviceMotion object, Purpose
example, Motion example
overview, Purpose
Pedometer methods
start, Purpose
stop, Purpose
Pedometer object, Purpose


Native Application Switcher
NativeAppSwitcher methods
show, Purpose, Purpose
NativeAppSwitcher object, Purpose
Native Page Switcher
NativePageSwitcher methods
cancelSwitching, Purpose
continueSwitching, Purpose
setNextTransition, Purpose
startSwitching, Purpose
NativePageSwitcher object, Purpose
Network Status
Container.networkStatus methods
addListener, Purpose
removeListener, Purpose
Container.networkStatus object, Purpose
example, networkStatus example
example, Notifications example
LocalNotification object, Purpose
NotificationAction object, Purpose
NotificationCategory objects, Purpose
Notifications methods
cancelAllNotifications, Purpose
cancelLocalNotification, Purpose
registerCategory, Purpose
registerForPushNotifications, Purpose
scheduleLocalNotification, Purpose
unregisterCategory, Purpose
Notifications object, Purpose


Open URL
OpenURL object, Purpose
OpenURL methods
canOpen, Purpose
onOpenURL, Purpose
open, Purpose


product modules
dependencies, Module dependencies
PRPC Analytics
Analytics methods
configure, Purpose
Send, Purpose
Analytics object, Purpose
PRPC Client Store
ClientStore methods
addAction, Purpose
addActionQueueListener, Purpose
addActionWithItemReference, Purpose
addListener, Purpose
addSessionTimeoutListener, Purpose
batchExecute, Purpose
clearItems, Purpose
configure, Purpose
customTableSizes, Purpose
deleteItem, Purpose
deleteItemWithAction, Purpose
getFileForwardingState, Purpose
getItem, Purpose
getItems, Purpose
getItemsStats, Purpose
getItemTypes, Purpose
getOfflineStorageCount, Purpose
getQueuedActionsCount, Purpose
keepAliveSessionTimeout, Purpose
listActions, Purpose
removeAction, Purpose
removeActionQueueListener, Purpose
removeListener, Purpose
removeSessionTimeoutListener, Purpose
runQuery, Purpose
setFileForwardingState, Purpose
start, Purpose
stops, Purpose
writeBinaryItem, Purpose
writeItem, Purpose
ClientStore object, Purpose


SideBar methods
configure, Purpose
hide, Purpose
notifyContentReady, Purpose
show, Purpose
SideBar object, Purpose
Splash Screen
SplashScreen methods
hide, Purpose
show, Purpose
SplashScreen object, Purpose
Status Bar
ForegroundColor enum, Purpose
StatusBar object, Purpose


User Accounts
AccountManager methods
accountManagerListener, Purpose
addAccount, Purpose
changePassword, Purpose
closeAccount, Purpose
getAccountList, Purpose
getPrivateAccountData, Purpose
removeAccount, Purpose
removeField, Purpose
setField, Purpose
AccountManager object, Purpose
openAccount, Purpose


Web Application Lifecycle
Application object, Purpose
ApplicationManager methods
addApplicationManagerListener, Purpose
installApplications, Purpose
isCacheManifestUpdateAvailable, Purpose
reinstallApplication, Purpose
removeApplicationManagerListener, Purpose
removeApplications, Purpose
startApplication, Purpose
stopApplication, Purpose
updateApplication, Purpose
ApplicationManager object, Purpose
ApplicationManager.addApplicationManagerListener callbacks
onApplicationChanged, Purpose
onApplicationNavigationFailed, Purpose
onListChanged, Purpose
ApplicationManager.isCacheManifestUpdateAvailable callbacks
onFailure, Purpose
ApplicationManager.isCacheManifestUpdateAvailable methods
onSuccess, Purpose
Web Browser
Browser listeners
onClosed, Purpose
onLoadFailure, Purpose
onLoadFinished, Purpose
onLoadStarted, Purpose
Browser methods
addListener, Purpose
close, Purpose
removeListener, Purpose
start, Purpose
window.close, Purpose, Purpose
Browser object, Purpose
example, Web Browser example
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