Support Article
Pega AES 717 User Creation
Developer followed the golden copy approach for base Pega7.1 installations and then imported the “AES_07_01.jar”. As part of post installation steps of Autonomic Event Services (AES) 717, they need to create users those who will have access group AESWorkUserV7 however it errors out with the message shown below.
Error Messages
Error on UI while getting the list of checkedout rules: code: -1 SQLState: -1 Message: Database column PYRULESET in database pegarules, table <unknown> has an unknown type: JDBC Type 1111
Steps to Reproduce
Create an operator ID with access group mapped to AESWorkUserV7
Root Cause
The SQL listed with the error was as below -
SQL: select PXCREATEDATETIME as "pxCreateDateTime" , PXINSNAME as "pxInsName" , PXINSTANCELOCKEDBY as "pxInstanceLockedBy" , PXOBJCLASS as "pxObjClass" , PXUPDATEDATETIME as "pxUpdateDateTime" , PXUPDATEOPERATOR as "pxUpdateOperator" , PXUPDATEOPNAME as "pxUpdateOpName" , PYCIRCUMSTANCEPROP as "pyCircumstanceProp" , PYCIRCUMSTANCEVAL as "pyCircumstanceVal" , PYCLASS as "pyClass" , PYCLASSNAME as "pyClassName" , PYLABEL as "pyLabel" , PYRULEAVAILABLE as "pyRuleAvailable" , PYRULENAME as "pyRuleName" , PYRULESET as "pyRuleSet" , PYRULESETVERSION as "pyRuleSetVersion" , PZINSKEY as "pzInsKey" from AES_PEGA_OWNER.pwbv4_rule_locking where pyRuleSet = ? and pxObjClass = ? order by pzInsKey
SQL Inserts: <user-name> <Data-Rule-Locking>
The VIEW “PWBV4_RULE_LOCKING” was showing compilations errors.
Dropping and recreating database VIEW (“PWBV4_RULE_LOCKING”) and couple of other invalid views using out-of-the-box DDLs to eliminate compilation errors has resolved the issue.
Published May 11, 2015 - Updated December 2, 2021
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