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Support Article

Query Timing Out Causing Exception



On a Pega platform running on Microsoft SQL Server 2014, a specific query is taking a long time to run and occurs at varying times.

When this query executes, there is a timeout in the Pega application and the query is not executed successfully. When this query is executed in a SQL client, it takes over 5 minutes to process. There query looks like this:

WITH rr_inheritance_pc0 AS ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey, "r".pyRuleAvailable, "r".pyClassName, "r".pyRuleSet, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass ORDER BY "c".pxHeight, "i"."pzRuleSetIndex", "r".pyRuleSetVersion DESC) AS "rank_idx", DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass) AS "group_idx" FROM Rules.pr4_rule_vw "r" INNER JOIN Rules.pr_sys_class_ancestors "c" ON ("r".pyClassName = "c".pxClassName) INNER JOIN ( SELECT "i".pzRuleSetName AS "pzRuleSetName", "i".pzRuleSetIndex AS "pzRuleSetIndex", "i".pzRuleSetVersionMajor AS "pzRuleSetVersionMajor", "i".pzRuleSetVersionMinor AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinor", "i".pzRuleSetVersionPatch AS "pzRuleSetVersionPatch" , "i".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch" FROM Rules.pr_sys_ruleset_index "i"

WHERE "i".pzRuleSetListHash = 'ba0e4176a827d708666726890a5bf6aa' UNION ALL SELECT CAST('user@' AS VARCHAR(128)) AS "pzRuleSetName", -1 AS "pzRuleSetIndex", 1 AS "pzRuleSetVersionMajor",

1 AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinor", 1 AS "pzRuleSetVersionPatch" , '01-01' AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch" ) "i" ON ("r".pyRuleSet = "i"."pzRuleSetName") AND ("r".pzRuleSetVersionMajor = "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMajor" AND "r".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch <= "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch")

WHERE "r".pyClass = 'Rule-Obj-Property' AND "c".pxLeafClassName = 'App-Data-Test' AND "r".pyRuleAvailable != 'No' AND "r".pyCircumstanceType IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleStarts IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleEnds IS NULL AND "r".pzClassType = 0 ) , bc_inheritance_pc0 AS ( SELECT "bc".pzInsKey FROM ( SELECT "tmp".pzInsKey, "tmp".pyRuleAvailable FROM ( SELECT "second".pzInsKey, "second".pyRuleAvailable, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY "second"."group_idx" ORDER BY "second"."rank_idx") AS "finalRank" FROM rr_inheritance_pc0 "first" RIGHT OUTER JOIN rr_inheritance_pc0 "second" ON ( "first"."group_idx" = "second"."group_idx" AND "first".pyClassName = "second".pyClassName AND "first".pyRuleSet = "second".pyRuleSet AND "first".pyRuleAvailable = 'Withdrawn' AND coalesce("first"."rank_idx", 0) <= "second"."rank_idx" ) WHERE "first"."rank_idx" IS NULL ) "tmp" WHERE "tmp"."finalRank" = 1 ) "bc" WHERE "bc".pyRuleAvailable != 'Blocked' ) , rr_wo_inheritance_pc0 AS ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey, "r".pyRuleAvailable, "r".pyClassName, "r".pyRuleSet, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass ORDER BY "i"."pzRuleSetIndex", "r".pyRuleSetVersion DESC) AS "rank_idx", DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass) AS "group_idx" FROM Rules.pr4_rule_vw "r" INNER JOIN ( SELECT "i".pzRuleSetName AS "pzRuleSetName", "i".pzRuleSetIndex AS "pzRuleSetIndex", "i".pzRuleSetVersionMajor AS "pzRuleSetVersionMajor", "i".pzRuleSetVersionMinor AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinor", "i".pzRuleSetVersionPatch AS "pzRuleSetVersionPatch" , "i".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch" FROM Rules.pr_sys_ruleset_index "i"

WHERE "i".pzRuleSetListHash = 'ba0e4176a827d708666726890a5bf6aa' UNION ALL SELECT CAST('user@' AS VARCHAR(128)) AS "pzRuleSetName", -1 AS "pzRuleSetIndex", 1 AS "pzRuleSetVersionMajor", 1 AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinor", 1 AS "pzRuleSetVersionPatch" , '01-01' AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch" ) "i" ON ("r".pyRuleSet = "i"."pzRuleSetName") AND ("r".pzRuleSetVersionMajor = "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMajor" AND "r".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch <= "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch")

WHERE "r".pyClass = 'Rule-Obj-Property' AND "r".pyRuleAvailable != 'No' AND "r".pyCircumstanceType IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleStarts IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleEnds IS NULL AND "r".pzClassType = 1 ) , bc_wo_inheritance_pc0 AS ( SELECT "bc".pzInsKey FROM ( SELECT "tmp".pzInsKey, "tmp".pyRuleAvailable FROM ( SELECT "second".pzInsKey, "second".pyRuleAvailable, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY "second"."group_idx" ORDER BY "second"."rank_idx") AS "finalRank" FROM rr_wo_inheritance_pc0 "first" RIGHT OUTER JOIN rr_wo_inheritance_pc0 "second" ON ( "first"."group_idx" = "second"."group_idx" AND "first".pyRuleSet = "second".pyRuleSet AND "first".pyRuleAvailable = 'Withdrawn' AND coalesce("first"."rank_idx", 0) <= "second"."rank_idx" ) WHERE "first"."rank_idx" IS NULL ) "tmp" WHERE "tmp"."finalRank" = 1 ) "bc" WHERE "bc".pyRuleAvailable != 'Blocked' ) , non_rr_rules_pc0 AS ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey FROM Rules.pr4_rule_vw "r" WHERE COALESCE("r".pyRuleAvailable, 'Yes') != 'No' AND "r".pyCircumstanceType IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleStarts IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleEnds IS NULL AND "r".pzClassType = 2 ) , resolved_rules_pc0 AS ( SELECT pzInsKey FROM bc_inheritance_pc0 UNION ALL SELECT pzInsKey FROM bc_wo_inheritance_pc0 UNION ALL SELECT pzInsKey FROM non_rr_rules_pc0 ) SELECT "PC0"."pyPropertyName" AS "pyPropertyName" , "PC0"."pxInsId" AS "pxInsId" , "PC0"."pyLabel" AS "pyLabel" , "PC0"."pyRuleSet" AS "pyRuleSet" , "PC0"."pzInsKey" AS "pzInsKey" FROM Rules.pr4_rule_property "PC0" INNER JOIN resolved_rules_pc0 "resolved_rules_pc0" ON ("PC0".pzInsKey = "resolved_rules_pc0".pzInsKey)

WHERE ( "PC0"."pyClassName" = 'App-Data-Test' ) AND "PC0"."pxObjClass" = 'Rule-Obj-Property' ORDER BY 3 ASC

The following index was added, but it is not being used when the query is run:




ON [PEGA72].[pr4_rule_vw] ([pyClass],[pyCircumstanceType],[pyRuleStarts],[pyRuleEnds],[pzClassType],[pyRuleAvailable])

INCLUDE ([pxInsId],[pyRuleSet],[pyRuleSetVersion],[pzRuleSetVersionMajor],[pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch])


Error Messages

There has been an issue; please consult your system administrator

Steps to Reproduce

The issue can be forced to occur when opening a data type that has been migrated from one system to another:

1. Create a data type.
2. Migrate the data type to a new environment.
3. Open the data type in the new environment.
4. Observe the timeout.

Root Cause

A third-party product issue is causing the behavior.

A new feature in MSQL 2014 called Cardinality Esitmator is causing this behavior.


Install Hfix-34496 and create the following DSS to add hints to the query to force it to use the index:
  • Purpose: reporting/useForceOrderHint
  • Ruleset: Pega-RULES
  • Value: true

Published July 21, 2017 - Updated October 8, 2020

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