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Five agents in the Pega-IntSvcs RuleSet process queued
service and connector requests and perform maintenance for PegaDISTRIBUTION
MANAGER (formerly called Correspondence Output Server, or COS).
- checkPrintErrors
- checkFaxErrors
- purgeRequestsTable
- ProcessServiceQueue
- ProcessConnectQueue
PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager is a small, optional Windows server
application used to support a Process Commander system for
printing and faxing of Microsoft Word documents.
PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager can also convert Word documents to
Acrobat PDF format.
If your system does not use PegaDISTRIBUTION MANAGER, the checkPrintErrors, checkFaxErrors, and purgeRequestsTable agents do not need to run. To disable them, clear the Enabled? option in those rows on the Schedule tab of every Agent Schedule data instance in your system.
Because these are legacy agents (agents created before V5.4 and not updated to use the Queue Manager infrastructure), if your system does use PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager, enable these agents by selecting the Enabled? option for them on one node only. When enabled, these agent activities interact with the COS database every three minutes to check for errors and purge records from the COS database. (If your application uses PegaDISTRIBUTION MANAGER to convert Word DOC files to PDF format, the Pega-ProCom agent — not the Pega-IntSvcs agent — handles the upload and attachment processing.)
The checkFaxErrors agent checks the PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager database and updates the history of a work object if faxing of the outgoing correspondence was not successful.
The checkPrintErrors agent checks the PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager database and updates the history of a work object if printing of the outgoing correspondence was not successful.
The purgeRequestsTable agent removes completed and stale requests from the PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager database.
Service requests of any of seven service types can
process service requests asynchronously. When configured to do
so, EJB, HTTP, Java, JMS, MQ, SOAP and File services use the Queue
Manager infrastructure to store service requests as persistent
objects in the Process Commander database.
The class, queuing and dequeueing options for the service request are determined by a Service Request Processor data instances. See About Service Request Processor data instances.
The first execution of an asynchronous service request occurs in the service requestor, but in a separate background Thread that executes after, rather than before, the service response is set. Queuing and the ProcessServiceQueue agent are used for the second and subsequent retries, if configured. Queuing also occurs when configured through a Queue When
condition on the Fault tab or Response tab of the service rule.
The ProcessServiceQueue agent is disabled by default.
To enable it, select the Enabled? option for
it on the Schedule tab of the agent
schedule instances (Data-Agent-Queue class).
When the ProcessServiceQueue agent executes a queued service request, the execution is performed with the authorization profile of the service/listener.
For more information, see the
Pega Developer Network article PRKB-25029 How
asynchronous service processing works.
Beginning with V5.5, SOAP and HTTP connector requests can be processed asynchronously. The class, queuing and dequeueing options for the service request are determined by a Connect Request Processor data instances. See About Connect Request Processor data instances and More about Connect SOAP rules.
The ProcessConnectQueue agent is disabled by default.
To enable it, select the Enabled? option for
it on the Schedule tab of the agent
schedule instances (Data-Agent-Queue class).
When the ProcessConnectQueue agent executes a queued connector request, the execution is performed with the authorization profile of the service/listener.